The Oxford Farming Conference

Videos 2016
On this page, you can find Videos from the 2016 Oxford Farming Conference.
Click on a Video Thumbnail below to view a particular video.
For The Oxford Farming Conference on Vimeo click here
Opening video - OFC 2016
Politics Session 1
Disunited Kingdom Panel Session
George Eustice MP
Lesley Griffiths, AM, Wales
Calum Kerr, MSP, Scotland
Michel McIlveen, DUP, Northern Ireland
Entrepreneurialism in farming report 2016
The Frank Parkinson Lecture
Ending hunger, can we achieve humanity's elusive goal by 2050
Associate Director of CIMMYT's Global Conservation Agricultural Program
Step-change science
Politics Session 2
Is food the new medicine?
Food for a fitter future
Professor Susan Jebb, Professor of Diet and Population Health at the University of Oxford
Industry growth & the health agenda: friends or foe?
James Withers, Chief Executive, Scotland Food & Drink
Entrepreneurs and their stories
Emlyn Evans, The Squab Group
From henhouse to humidity-controlled warehouse - have you managed to sweat your assets?
Craig Carr, Carrfields Ltd, New Zealand
Our Family Agri-Business – from one farm to a global enterprise