The governing body is the Council of Trustees and the memorandum and articles of association adopted on incorporation 27th March 1986. The Trustees have unlimited powers of investment.
Those serving on the Board during the year are set out on page 1 of the accounts. The Trustees are appointed to the Board to serve a three year term. Apart from those mentioned in note 13 of the Company Accounts in related party transactions, none of the Trustees had an interest in any material contract during the year relating to the business of the Company. All Trustees are members of the Company and serve in a voluntary capacity
There are nine Trustees each of whom serves a three year term, three leaving and three joining the Council each year. Prospective Trustees can apply and are chosen for their ability to bring different skills and contacts to the Council and so enable the aim of the Conference to be fulfilled. New Trustees stand for election by the members at the Annual General Meeting in January. The third year Trustees o decide between them who should be the next Chairman, in the event of more than one wanting to do it, the choice of Chairman is put to vote by the Trustees.
The Board ensures that the business of The Oxford Farming Conference is conducted in accordance with its charitable aims and is legally responsible for its governance and management.
The Council has a further Director who acts as Finance Director and prepares financial reports for each meeting. The Finance Director, who is also the Treasurer and Company Secretary, is chosen for his or her financial and accounting skills, and may serve for longer than the three years if decided at the Annual General Meeting.