The Oxford Farming Conference

Papers 2016
The 2016 Conference papers are listed below. They are listed by speaker in alphabetical order.
To view or download them, simply click on the links.
All of our papers are provided in PDF format.
Craig Carr
Our Family Agri-Business – from one farm to a global enterprise
David Fischhoff
Dr Bram Govaerts
Frank Parkinson Lecture - Innovation and Intensification for Sustainable agriculture
Dr Pearse Lyons
Farmer or Pharmacist?
Emlyn Evans
From hen house to humidity controlled warehouse – have you managed to sweat your assets?
From hen house to humidity controlled warehouse - have you managed to sweat your assets?
Graham Redman
Entrepreneurship A kiss of life for the UK farming sector
2016 Oxford Farming Conference Report. Entrepreneurship A kiss of life for the UK farming sector