Meet the 2020 OFC Emerging Leaders

EL Group

Twenty-nine young leaders from across the UK have been selected to join the Oxford Farming Conference’s (OFC) 2020 Emerging Leaders Programme.

Picked for their leadership potential, the next group of young leaders – which include farmers, researchers and industry professionals – will be invited to a pre-Conference event in London, and a media skills workshop during the Conference itself.

OFC's previous Emerging Leaders are becoming a strong network with the next intake demonstrating the broad appeal of the leadership programme which include award winning cheese maker and farmer Martin Gott of St James Cheese; Marcelo Glados, a Met Office University Academic Fellow focussing on climate-smart agriculture and sustainable intensification; Jenny McKerr, a first generation farmer passionate about diversification; and, Liz Genever who has established her own independent agriculture consultancy. 

The aim of the Emerging Leaders Programme is to help the best young leaders in UK agriculture, aged 30-45, to achieve their potential sooner, both in personal and career development through the conference programme and networking opportunities. OFC Director and Emerging Leaders Programme co-ordinator, Sarah Mukherjee, said:

We have a cracking set of Emerging Leaders for 2020 – diverse, enthusiastic and real leaders in their sectors. Through the networking available to them in the next few months, we hope to champion their ideas and help them play their part in shaping the future of UK agriculture. I am hugely looking forward to meeting them in person at the Farmer’s Club in November.”

The Oxford Farming Conference Emerging Leaders programme is sponsored by BASF. 

Rob Gladwin of BASF said:

“The Oxford Farming Conference offers a unique opportunity for the next crop of Emerging Leaders to have access to a well-respected platform to take part in real and meaningful debate around the biggest issues facing the UK’s agricultural industry. The ideas and relationships formed during the programme will continue to influence the professional and personal lives of the Emerging Leaders for years to come.”

Julian Pace, Head of Partnerships at Scottish Enterprise, which is supporting individuals on the Emerging Leaders Programme, said:

“Following feedback from last year’s delegates, we know that the experience was extremely positive for the professional and personal development of Emerging Leaders. We look forward to building on the momentum of the programme by providing further opportunities for discussion, debate and interaction with industry influencers and give a voice to the next generation of leaders.”

Now in its fourth year, the programme is part of OFC’s mission to promote and support the next generation of leaders and as part of the programme the Emerging Leaders are invited to attend a managing change workshop, networking lunch and policy discussion in November 2019 at the Farmers’ Club in London. 

Oxford Farming Conference will be held on 7 - 9 January at Oxford University with the theme “Growing A Healthy Society” to focus on strengthening the relationship between the population, the land and the people who produce the nation’s food. Tickets can be booked at

For full biographies of Emerging Leaders for 2020 see here. Find out more about the conference programme here.


OFC25 will take place from 8th to 10th January 2025, in Oxford and Online.

A programme teaser and tickets are now available by visiting our dedicated conference section.
