Who would vote for Brexit again? And some other polls from #OFC19

OFC poll

To poll the general mood of the industry, the audience at #OFC19 were asked to vote on some leading questions about the future of UK farming. Here are some of the results:

Will Brexit be good or bad for farming over the next five years?

61% bad

39% good


Will Brexit be good or bad for farming over the next 25 years?

26% bad

74% good


Did you vote for Brexit?

76% Remain

24% Leave


And if there was an immediate referendum, how would you vote now?

59% Remain

31% would vote for Theresa May's negotiated deal

10% would leave with no deal


Were you more or less assured after Michael Gove's speech at the conference?

60% more assured

40% less assured


Are you concerned that UK welfare and environmental standards will slip as we strike new trade deals?

69% yes

31% no

Are you confident that trade deals will increase in the five years post-Brexit?

41% yes

49% no


The Union Debate

In the famous union debate, the motion this house believes the country would be better served if farmers focused on profits rather than public goods, was carried by:

76% for 

24% against

Watch the debate here.